Our Lady & St. Werburgh's Catholic Primary School

Fiat Voluntas Dei - May God's will be done

Seabridge Lane, Clayton, Newcastle under Lyme, Staffordshire, ST5 4AG

(01782) 973 888

Music 2024-2025

We hope you enjoy watching our video of our composition ‘Storm’ inspired by Benjamin Britten.

The structure of the music is a rondo. 

It begins with the Storm rhythm patterns from Britten’s music,

which repeat after each additional section – Sea Monster, Pirates and Calm.

Year 3 have been learning about music from different traditions. 

They performed their Chinese New Year pentatonic composition to

Mrs Wilson and Nursery children.

Nursery and Reception classes celebrated Chinese New Year,

the year of the Snake,

with a Chinese Dragon Parade,

playing instruments loudly around the school.

Years 5 and 6 have explored African drumming styles.

They composed simple rhythmic patterns which they performed on djembe drums.

Both classes used call and response in their compositions,

and Year 6 included polyrhythms.

Their performance in front of an audience included

Kye Kye Kule, a call and response song, and Senwa Dedende, performed as a round.

Both songs are thought to originate from Ghana. 

Year 1 have composed their own No Place Like,

inspired by No Place Like composed by Dr Kerry Andrew.

They listened to sounds around their school

and recreated them using vocal and body percussion.