Our Lady & St. Werburgh's Catholic Primary School

Fiat Voluntas Dei - May God's will be done

Seabridge Lane, Clayton, Newcastle under Lyme, Staffordshire, ST5 4AG

(01782) 973 888

First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion

First Holy Communion Programme 2025

Our First Forgiveness/ Holy Communion programme will begin in January. Please see key dates for the year below. There is an expectation that parents attend all parents' meetings and families attend all preparation Masses, in addition to fulfiling your weekly obligation to attend weekend Mass. 

First Holy Communion: 15th June 2024

What a wonderful celebration of First Holy Communion we had again this year! The children read, participated, sung and received the Blessed Sacrament with such reverence and grace, and we are so proud of them all. Many thanks to Fr Anton and our parents for your continued guidance and support in our children's journeys of faith. 

First Confession: 21st March

Our Year 3 children received the very special sacrament of Reconciliation/ First Forgiveness in March in a beautiful service led by the children. It was lovely to see how many parents were also prepared to receive God's grace sacramentally- an excellent example of faith to our children. Thank you! 

Parents' Meeting 2

The presentation below contains some of the key information discussed at the second parents' sacramental meeting held on Thursday 23rd May, including the logistics for the First Holy Communion Mass on Saturday 15th June at 12 noon. Fr Anton also took parents over to church to look at religious artefacts relating to the Eucharist.  

Parents' Meeting 1

The presentation below contains some of the key information discussed at the first parents' sacramental meeting held on Thursday 22nd February. Fr Anton also shared the Sycamore RCIA video 14:


The key dates for our First Holy Communion programme this year are detailed below: 

Year 3 First Holy Communion: Summer 2023

Year 3 First Holy Communion: Summer 2022

Year 4 First Holy Communion: Autumn Term 2021

Our Year 4 children recently received Our Lord Jesus in the Eucharist during the Autumn term. Following their Sacramental Masses, they shared a communion breakfast together as a class.