Our Lady & St. Werburgh's Catholic Primary School

Fiat Voluntas Dei - May God's will be done

Seabridge Lane, Clayton, Newcastle under Lyme, Staffordshire, ST5 4AG

(01782) 973 888

Catholic Life of Our School

Catholic Life at Our Lady and St Werburgh's is rich and vibrant, as we are a community rooted in the teachings and practices of Christ. Our Mission Statement and motto, 'May God's Will Be Done' encapsulate our desire to live our lives in service to God and one another, as we listen to His call for us. 

Our school prayer, which you can read below, forms the basis of our Mission Statement and gives thanks to God for our wonderful school, as Our Lady and St Werburgh's is a place where all are valued, where we learn to grow more like God, where we make the most of each opportunity presented to us. Rooted in our Catholic faith, we strive to ensure that our school is a place of peace, happiness and truth, love and security, because undoubtedly, our school is God's school. 

The Catholic Life of our school infiltrates all aspects of school life. Our curriculum is based upon the principles of Catholic Social Teaching, and through our 'Big Question' approach to the curriculum, and our 5 curriculum drivers in bold below, we aim for our children to:

  • Respect the human dignity of all people
  • Be inspired by and inspire others
  • Confidently articulate their understanding of their values, faith and learning
  • Advocate the teachings of Jesus Christ in all that they say and do
  • Reflect upon themselves as children of God, their learning and the impact that they have on others.

We do this in a wide variety of ways, for example, active participation in regular worship, prayer and liturgy, celebrating the sacraments, focusing upon the nine principles of Catholic Social Teaching and the Catholic Schools' Pupil Profile (Values and Virtues), our learning in all areas of the curriculum and the many fundraising events and stewardship activities that we participate in throughout the year. 

Please click the links from the 'Our Faith' menu to find out more about all aspects of the Catholic Life of our school. 


Celebration of Faith Events throughout the Year


The Nativity of Mary: 8th September

Macmillan Coffee Morning

'Let All Creation Sing'- OneLife Whole-school retreat: 18th September 

Season of Creation Vigil Service, Holy Trinity Church: 24th September


Daily Rosary throughout October: Mark Ten Mission Rosary Challenge

Year 3 Class Saint Liturgy- St Therese of Lisieux: 1st October

Reception Class Saint Liturgy and Stay and Pray- St Francis of Assisi: 4th October

Combined Schools' Mass at St Gregory's, Longton: 10th October

Mini Vinnies FoodBank Appeal for Harvest


Remembrance Liturgy led by Year 6: 11th November

Year 6 Confirmation: 22nd November

Year 4 Friendship Mass with Christ the King schools: 26th November at St Teresa's, Trent Vale

Parish Day of Adoration: 28th November

St Andrew's Day Liturgy: 29th November (Patron of St Andrew's House- feast on 30th)

School and Parish Winter Fayre: 30th November


Advent liturgies- Led by our Key Stage 2 children

Reverse Advent Calendar Fundraiser

Nursery's Class Saint Liturgy and Stay and Pray: St Nicholas Feast Day 6th December

School and Parish Winter Fayre

Christmas Jumper Day for Save the Children

Mini Vinnies sing carols for the elderly at Waveney Court

Mini Vinnies sing carols for parent and toddler group

Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 Nativities

Key Stage 2 Carol Service in church

Blessing of the Bambinellis by Fr Anton


Launch of the First Holy Communion programme

Jubilee Year Launch Day- Pilgrims of Hope: 24th January


Celebrating St Werburgh's Feast Day: 3rd February 

Grandparents' Mass: 13th February



Burying the Alleluia for Lent

Big Lent Walk for CAFOD

St David's Feast Day: 1st March (Patron of St David's House)

Ash Wednesday Mass: 5th March

Lenten Liturgies- led by Years 2- 6

St Patrick's Day Liturgy: 17th March (Patron of St Patrick's House)

Year 2's Class Saint Liturgy- Feast of St Joseph: 19th March

Year 5's Class Saint Liturgy- Feast of St Oscar Romero: 24th March

Year 3 First Forgiveness Service


Year 1's Class Saint Liturgy- Feast of St Bernadette: 16th April

Born for This (Dramatisation of the Stations of the Cross)- Led by Year 5 and 6

Earth Day: 22nd April

St George's Day Liturgy: 23rd April (Patron of St George's House)

Fundraising for Fr Hudson's Care- Good Shepherd Appeal


Mini Vinnies to lead Daily Rosary throughout May

Good Shepherd Mass

Altar Servers' Visit to Harvington Hall

May Procession and Crowning of Mary

Whole-School Pentecost Day

Year 4's Class Saint liturgy- St Joan of Arc: 30th May

June/ July

Year 6's Class Saint liturgy- St Barnabas: 11th June

First Holy Communion: Saturday 14th June 

Year 3 Quiet Mass: 17th June

Parish and School Summer Fayre